Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born 40 Year An­niversary - C-LAB at Open Day

The University of Paderborn celebrates its 40th anniversary from the 22nd of October to the 4th of November 2012.

In addition to several lectures, concerts and other festivities, the University opens its doors to the public at the 28th of October. During this Open Day, visitors are able to get to know the University and its partners.

C-LAB will be part of the Open Day and we will exhibit several of our projects in the O-facility. These projects will be:

  • BeBots
  • useTable


SOGRO (Instant rescue at big accident with masses of casualties) is a RFID-based solution for triage of casualties (classification into urgency categories) as well as for control center connection. Instead of the usual procedure of handwritten cards, wristbands with RFID-tags are used that can be written and read by rugged PDAs. These RFID-tags can be written and read independent of weather conditions and the data is sent to the operations center immediately. 
The initial, usually chaotic, phase of rescue is cut short considerably with this system.


The BeBots designed by the Heinz Nixdorf Institute are intelligent miniature-robots that are able to recognize their environments and cooperate with other BeBots. They are a technology platform for the research on dynamically interchangeable and multiagent systems and create the basis for the applications of the future. On the Open Day, visitors are able to compete in a slalom-race with an autonomously running BeBot, controlling another BeBot with a Wii-mote.


The useTable is the result of the project group MUTTI (Multi User Table for Tangible Interaction). It is the goal of this group to test and research state-of-the-art interaction principles on a multimedia surface that enables several people to collaborate effectively at the same time. The useTable manufactured for this project enables the user to interact with its surface e.g. using finger gestures (similar to today's smartphones) or so called tangibles (objects that are placed on the table).
With the help of the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), we were able to design a possible application that supports decision makers in crisis scenarios.