Pro­ject Over­view

Angesichts der zunehmenden Angleichung von Produkten hinsichtlich Qualität und Technologie im Zuge der Globalisierung komplementieren Unternehmen ihre physischen Marktleistungen zunehmend durch zusätzliche Services, um sich im Wettbewerb zu differenzieren. Diese Serviceorientierung führt zu einem Paradigmenwechsel: Das klassische Produkt- und Komponentengeschäft wird abgelöst durch Systemlösungen mit individualisierten Services. Beschleunigt wird diese Entwicklung durch die voranschreitende Digitalisierung der Wirtschaft, die die Kombination von Produkten und Dienstleistungen zu innovativen Produkt-Service-Systemen ermöglicht.

Mehr Informationen zu AcRoSS

With the steadily rising number of comfort, drive and driver-assistant systems in modern cars, the need for more computing power in vehicles is increasing. Systems to reduce exhaust emission and to increase occupant protection in crashes are always becoming more and more complex. This leads to a rising number of electronic control units (ECUs) and associated data transfer in modern vehicles. At the same time, ECUs not only have to be more cost-effective and optimized in energy efficiency, they also have to be more powerful. 

More information on AMALTHEA

The electrification of power trains lead to manifold challenges: The complexity of control devices and control algorithms has risen tremendously. Experience in designing control device software for electric vehicles has to be expanded, e.g. in optimizing energy efficiency.

More information on E-Mobil

ARAMiS aims at the development of concepts for multi-core processors in automotive, railway and avionics to reach a gain in safety, comfort and efficiency. Through this technology initiative, concepts will be developed how multicore processors ...

More information on ARAMiS


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Up to now, the development of cloud computing applications was either focused on the interface level (API) or using advantages of specialized cloud services, like e.g. data storage, to provide scaled pre-installed web services on a platform (PaaS).

More information on EASI-CLOUDS

Production plants of the future, so-called Cyber Physical Systems for Industrial Production 4.0, are highly complex, intelligent systems with a variety of components that need to mesh smoothly. Even more complex is the embedded software that controls these systems. In a joint project of seven partners, the research project EffektiV develops methods and tools for error effect simulation to analyze the effects of errors using virtual prototypes ...

More information on Effektiv

The project goBerlin provides a safe and reliable cloud-based marketplace with services for citizens, companies and administrations. It enables its users to cooperate within public and associated commercial services. With enhancements of current and the implementation of new processes, medium-sized companies are integrated as both user and provider of (IT-)services in eGovernment added value chains.

More information on goBerlin

In the future Intelligent Technical Systems will play a major role for various applications and processes. Such systems range from automation and power train solutions over vehicles to networked production plants and further. In the envisaged settings...

More on Leading-Edge Cluster it's OWL

Today, we are seeing the beginnings of a new way of developing and delivering IT services. On the one hand we have the emergence of grid and cloud computing.  On the other, we are witnessing the first attempts to replace the forty year old practice of buying monolithic software solutions with new strategies in which solutions are exactly dimensioned to meet specific needs and provide only the functionality that is actually required, and in which resources are purchased only as needed. ...

More information on SFB 901

The development of IT-systems for healthcare places high demands on quality, reliability and security. Especially if such a system is directly supporting vital functions of a patient it becomes part of treatment and care and thus is subject to strict regulations and certifications before it can be used.

More information on Medolution

In RESIBES wird ein Helfernetzwerk aufgebaut, das im Falle einer Krise oder Katastrophe schnell aktiviert und koordiniert eingesetzt werden kann. Dafür werden innovative technische Ansätze und Dienste erarbeitet. Neben der Registrierung ungebundener Helfer und ihrer möglichen Hilfsleistungen unterstützen sie die Ressourcen- und Einsatzplanung für die verfügbaren materiellen und immateriellen Hilfeleistungen aus dem Helfernetzwerk, die Gewinnung eines Lageüberblicks sowie die Entscheidungsvorbereitung für die Einsatzorganisationen. Ziel ist eine resiliente Bereitstellung der Dienste, d. h. die Dienste sind auch bei (teilweisem) Ausfall öffentlicher Infrastrukturen wie z. B. der Mobilfunknetze funktionsfähig.

Mehr Informationen zu RESIBES

Within the research project Pfleg!E-mobil, which is sponsored by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the EU, C-LAB undertakes the economically accompanying research. The purpose of this project is to support the breakthrough of electrical mobility as trendsetting, resource-efficient, and environment-friendly technology..

More information on Pfleg!E-mobil

A successful introduction and diffusion of electric mobility depends heavily on progress and technical innovations in the fields of energy storage, vehicle, and powertrain. Increasing the range of electric vehicles through optimized energy management is of major importance. In addition, intelligent infrastructure solutions as well as viable business and market models, which account for the interests of the various stakeholders (e.g., consumers, service providers, car manufacturers, utilities), are key to the success of electric mobility. It is necessary to see electric mobility as a new and holistic mobility paradigm.

More information on SMART EM

A list of completed research projects can be found here.