Medolu­tion - Med­ic­al care evol­u­tion

The development of IT-systems for healthcare places high demands on quality, reliability and security. Especially if such a system is directly supporting vital functions of a patient it becomes part of treatment and care and thus is subject to strict regulations and certifications before it can be used.

The Medolution project focusses on the systematic and efficient development of so called big dependable systems (BDS) for healtcare. While an isolated system or device can be controlled with appropriate means, the complexity of a multi-system platform in which each component can be a own system in its own rights requires a new approach and methodoloy for the design and realization of such a system. In the project we are looking a system that stretches from sensors and IoT frameworks on the one side, via network connections to big data analytics platforms and medical applications in the cloud on the other.

The project targets the creation of suitable system management services, fault tollerant procedures and security components for the medolution platform, as well as suitable architectural concepts, design and analytics methods in order to allow cost-effektive and quality-aware design of a BDS. This will prepare such a system for the certification according to legal constraints and regulations in the healthcare domain.

These characteristics are relevant for other sensitive domains with regulations on IT-systems, too. Traffic management systems and complex smart industry systems are examples for such use-cases.

As medolution is an international project with nations sub-consortia, the German consortium lead by the Schüchtermann Schiller'schen Kliniken (a hospital specilized on treatment of cardiologic diseases) will work on a big dependable system demonstrator what will support the use-case of artificial hearts.

Atos C-LAB as executing reseach department of Atos IT Solutions and Services in Germany will contribute an adapted big data & data analytics platform for near real-time reliable stream processing of sensor values.

Funded by : BMBF (ITEA3-Projekt)
Date: September 2015 - August 2018
Partners (German subconsortium): Schüchtermann Schiller'sche Kliniken, MATERMA GmbH, Atos IT Solutions & Services GmbH, OFFIS, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, Technische Universität Dortmund.
Contact: Dr. Wolfgang Thronicke, Atos C-LAB