Range of Ser­vices

Our Current Topics

The Goal of C-LAB is to create solutions for current problems with state-of-the-art technologies. Here you can find a list of our current topics.


To successfully create web-based systems three levels have to be considered: business processes, user processes and technologies.
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Training and Advanced Training

The successful future of a business requires highly qualified labor. On the one hand labor needs theoretical grasp. On the other hand it is expected to have a profound understanding of how everything works in practice. C-LAB bases its work on the liaison of theory and practice. We want to pass on this understanding in order to contribute to the formation of the highly qualified labor of tomorrow. Trainings and courses give insight in current IT topics dealt with at C-LAB. We also contribute to the creation of theoretical basics by allocating and accompanying seminar papers, theses, and conferrals of a doctorate. 
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Research on Demand

Innovation is the engine that starts every business and keeps it running. Each innovation process in the modern sense starts with profound research and development. However, autonomous R&D activities pose a huge challenge for discrete businesses that do not specialize in this field. C-LAB, as the innovation laboratory of the University of Paderborn and Atos, locates its strengths in the area of R&D. Thus there are manifold possibilities for us to help you in the execution of your mission-oriented research.
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