The Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born wins par­ti­cip­a­tion in 2.6 mil­lion Euro pro­ject with C-LAB know how

A research team of the University of Paderborn and C-LAB wins at the national competition "<link http: forschung_technologiefoerderung wettbewerbe nanomikro_werkstoffe_nrw index.php>NanoMikro+Werkstoffe.NRW". For the next three years the Ministry of Innovations will spend 2.6 million Euros of research funding to support R&D on new technologies for high-bandwidth optical communications in computers. In the framework of the interdisciplinary project "Optical Link" a new generation of integrated electro-optical circuits for intra-system data transfer shall be developed.

C-LAB has been researching in optical short-distance communications for years and is leading in the field of simulation of board-level optical interconnects. The results of these works contribute to the enabling technologies to meet the ever increasing communications requirements in future computer systems. C-LAB's comprehensive know-how was a decisive factor for the successful application.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rolf Schuhmann from the <link http:>Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology leads the participation at the University of Paderborn. The Paderborn team will focus on the analysis of new optical waveguides for board-level optical communications. Whereas the <link http:>Innolume GmbH, Dortmund, leads the project and provides a new semiconductor laser. Further project partners are the <link http:>Technical University of Dortmund (experimental physics) and the <link http:>Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH in Paderborn.

The close cooperation between science and industry shows that in "Optical Link" some important questions of basic research have to be answered and a respective system has to be developed to the point that it can be put into use.