Prof. Dr. Franz Josef Ram­mig to rep­res­ent Ger­many in the IFIP

Franz Josef Rammig, Professor for practical computer science, former faculty directer for electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics of the University of Paderborn and university head of C-LAB was chosen to represent Germany at the International Federation for Information Processing.

The IFIP was founded in 1960 under the patronage of UNESCO as an umbrella organisation of computer science. With more than half a million members, it represents computer science corporations in 56 countries with the goal to support international cooperation and to stimulate research and development. The IFIP is one of the leading international knowledge organisations.

Prof. Dr. Rammig now also represents the "Gesellschaft für Informatik" (GI), the "Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik" (VDE) and "Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft" (DPG) within IFIP.

Prof. Dr. Rammig has been a Professor at the University of Paderborn since 1983. The main of goals of his research groups are the design of distributed embedded real-time-systems, such as the sub-areas specification, modelling, verification, real-time operation systems and reconfigurable hardware.

University of Paderborn
Faculty for electronic engineering, computer science and mathematics
Dr. Michael Laska
fon: 05251 60-2205