Hy­dra pro­ject re­leases its third news­let­ter

The project Hydra, an integrated research project funded by the EU and part of the 6th Framework Programme, published its third newsletter. The newsletter gives new information about achievements and project results, which have been presented on numerous and well attended scientific conferences and commercial oriented events.

The project consortium consists of 13 well-known discovery-led organizations, universities and industry partners, who are following a joint vision to create the most widely spread middleware for networked embedded systems, which allows producers to easily develop cost-efficient and innovative applications for new and existing devices.

The centerpiece of the project is the development of a middleware that will enable the integration of various kinds of mobile as well as stationary embedded systems into an intelligent ambient network environment. Beside the middleware developer kits will be offered that enable hard and software developers to easily create cost-efficient, innovative and outstanding applications based on the capabilities of the middleware. The middleware will allow users to optimize their own processes by gaining higher flexibility and efficient.

In the last six months the Hydra project was present on various scientific events to inform the research community about newly gained achievements. Furthermore Hydra has addressed important commercial events to seek the contact with potential users and customers of Hydra. In the same context previous demonstrators have been enhanced and extended by extra devices, like Smart Meter, which got a high relevance in future. Moreover a Hydra brochure was created that provides a rough overview about the project and its first achievements.

The Newsletter informs about the current status and new project results. The following headings provide an overview of the topics covered within:

  •     Hydra's Vision for 2009
  •     New Hydra Brochure is Available Now
  •     Hydra Middleware Demonstartes Flexibility and Service Performance at CeBIT 2009 and GSMA Mobile World Congress
  •     Hydra Training Activities
  •     Semantic Technologies and their Application in the Hydra Project
  •     An Integrated Scenario using Hydra Technology
  •     Siemens brings new Device Category to Hydra
  •     Call for Papers - 1st International Workshop on Distributed Computing, Communication and Applications
  •     Outlook for the next months

The current and past Newsletters can be read by clicking the following link:

<link http: www.hydramiddleware.eu>www.hydramiddleware.eu/downloads.php

Additional information you can be found on the project's website: <link http: www.hydramiddleware.eu>www.hydramiddleware.eu or on our <link https: cs.uni-paderborn.de>Forschungsseiten des C-LAB.