C-LAB An­nu­al Re­port presen­ted and Frame­work Agree­ment con­cluded

The President of the University of Paderborn, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Risch, presents the C-LAB Annual Report to Dr. Reinhold Achatz, Head of Corporate Technology Research and Development and of Corporate Technology Development Center, while signing the Framework Agreement ("Ambassador Program") between the University of Paderborn and Siemens AG.

Cooperations with universities are an integral part of the strategic research of Siemens AG. Besides the so-called "Center of Knowledge Interchange" (CKI) Siemens conducts the "Ambassador Program". The "Ambassador Program" strengthens the long-term cooperation between strategically important academic institutions and Siemens. In contrast to CKIs it is organized in a pragmatic way with simple structures and without formal processes.

The Framework Agreement, which was concluded in addition to the C-LAB Cooperation between the University of Paderborn and Siemens, confirms the good cooperation between the two partners who have been practicing the Open Innovation Approach successfully since 1985.

Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Risch (on the right) and Dr. Reinhold Achatz presenting the C-LAB Annual Report
Barbara Fischer (Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Technology), Dr. Reinhold Achatz and Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Risch (from left to right) are signing the Framework Agreement