useTable un­der thor­ough test­ing for MausTag

A group of ten kids, their mothers and kindergarden teachers of the "Katholic Kindergarden St. Johannes d. Täufer" in Wewer were shown an exclusive preview of the games played at the "Türöffner-Tag". Popular kids-show "Sendung mit der Maus" will be present at C-LAB on the 10th of July and show our useTable in action.

In addition to a dice game, a puzzle and a painting- and stamp-scenery, the kids were able to fly through space with the protagonists of the show, mouse and elephant. This was made possible with our useTable - a table with a digital surface on which the kids could use tangible objects and pens to play the games and put the table to its most challenging test to date.

During this very thorough test, the kids had a lot of fun with the new technology and look forward to coming back to C-LAB at "Türöffner-Tag" and play at our useTable again.

At "Türöffner-Tag", on the 10th of July, Heinz Nixdorf Institute will open its doors for the popular kids-show "Sendung mit der Maus" and will present exciting scientific results for both kids and adults.
As a special guest, the star of the show, the mouse itself, will be present as well. For further information, click this link: <link http: maus>

In addition to the useTable, C-LAB will also show:

  • drive by wire - an electronic steering wheel for the car of the future
  • Mexi - a robotic head with emotions
  • Aerial drone - Helicopter control using an iPhone
  • Paderkicker - Paderborn robotic soccer team

Türöffner-Tag Logo: © I. Schmitt-Menzel/TrickfilmStudio Lutterbeck GmbH/Die Sendung mit der Maus®WDR

Kids testing the useTable thoroughly (Photos: Anna Steinig, HNI)