useTable and RFID-based Triage at the European Po­lice Con­gress 2011

At this year's 14th European Police Congress from the 14.02. - 16.02., C-LAB successfully presented its solutions RFID-based Triage and the useTableTM

RFID-based Triage has its roots in the research project SOGRO (Instant rescue at big accidents with masses of casualties), a project funded by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research). RFID-based Triage will help to improve first aid for victims in accidents with masses of casualties, getting an overview of the mostly chaotic situation as well as improve the cooperation between rescue workers and their assessments.

The solution presented at the congress uses RFID labels instead of the coloured ribbons used for accident victims today. Information can be written on these labels and read by using a specific rugged PDA. This information is also automatically sent to the mobile rescue control center. Additionally, with the initial examination of the victim, his/her position is located and sent to the mobile control center using GPS. This way, the mobile control center always has an overview of the current situation. 

Furthermore, several other tasks of the THW are being supported digitally. In order to calculate the amounts of working material and pumps needed, for example, the useTableTM provides an automated software. All the user has to do is to draw the planned course of the hose using the pen input onto the map. The software will then calculate the amount of pumps, the length of the hose(s) and other data (e.g. water pressure) and displays it in a clearly arranged table. This information will then automatically be sent to the task forces. 

A combinatory solution of both, the useTableTM and the RFID-based Triage, as well as the Siemens solution "Siveillance Command", was presented as well. 

The audience at the congress showed great interest in the innovative solutions of C-LAB. Our holistic approach to the solutions was highlighted in particular. 

The European Police Congress targets international expert audiences from the sectors police, security and civil agencies. It is the biggest congress for internal security in the European Union. Each year about 1400 participants visit the congress over the course of two days.

The large-scale exercise at the Frankfurt Airport in October 2010, in which more than 500 casualties were simulated, RFID-based Triage showed major improvements compared to the previous procedure. Bei der im Oktober 2010 durchgeführten Großübung am Frankfurter Flughafen mit mehr als 500 Verletzten zeigte sich eine deutliche Verbesserung gegenüber der bisherigen Vorgehensweise. SOGRO Project-Manager Leo Latasch: "After 30 minutes we already had gathered information about 193 victims. With the procedure normally used today we would have needed about 60 minutes for 50 victims." 
Another project presented at the police congress was the useTableTM. The useTable is the result of a student project group from C-LAB that created a digital, multitouch situation table. 

In cooperation with the THW (Federal Agency for Technical Relief) Detmold, a scenario was developed to support the control center in case of emergency. The useTableTM is able to portray several map views (satellite pictures and topographical maps) in layers that can be zoomed in and out. Additionally, representations of damage accounts and rescuers can be inserted and filtered according to certain criteria.

Contact Information

Gerhard Schulz
Tel: +49 (5251) 60 6083
Email: <link>Gerhard.Schulz[at]