2009-01-12 | Us­ing the PLASTIC Mid­dle­ware for the Cre­ation of Con­text-aware, Ad­apt­ive Mo­bile Ser­vices

Affordable and highly available ubiquitous communcation systems nowadays facilitate the broad deployment of mobile services. The development of such services by utilising advanced (so called Beyond 3G) networks was targeted by the PLASTIC project which was supported by C-LAB together with other renown partners in field.

During the project a methodology was developed which - based on the PLASTIC middleware - provides a model-oriented approach  to the design of these services featuring a conceptual model and a set of tools for testing the services throughout the development chain. The project results were applied to various
scenarios in the eBusiness, eHealth, eVoting and eLearning application domains.

This report summarizes the findings of the according validation.

Authors:Dr. Heinz-Josef Eikerling, Siemens AG, C-LAB
Release:Vol. 8 (2009) No. 01

Link to Report