UBI­SEC- Ubi­quit­ous Net­works with a Se­cure Pro­vi­sion of Ser­vices, Ac­cess and Con­tent De­liv­ery

The aim of UBISEC is the development of an infrastructure for a large-scale mobility of users in so-called ubiquitous environments. These environments are increasingly characterized by heterogeneous networks (e.g. cellular networks like GSM and wireless networks like WLAN), whose overlaps and transitions should be visible for the (nomadic) end user.

The user's applications should be available at any time and any place according to the preferences of the user. In this context, the treatment of security aspects is one main challenge that is addressed through the use of SmardCards within UBISEC.

Within the overall theme the project concentrates on the following aspects:

  • Efficient service discovery in heterogeneous networks through the application of caching and pre-fetching
  • Context-dependent personalization and admission control through profiling of users, devices and applications while profiles should be extendable dynamically.
  • Concepts and realization of active and passive security mechanisms in mobile environments especially with regard to the access to protected content (Digital Rights Management).

Several application scenarios will be defined within this project. They will be presented in the laboratories of Telefonica I&D in Boecillo as well as the laboratory of C-LAB being operated by the University of Paderborn and Siemens. Here, the developed concepts shall be validated and demonstrated. C-LAB leads the project as coordinator and contributes to the secure personalization of nomadic services and applications.

Project funded by: EU, STREP
Project duration: 1/2004 - 02/2006
Project partners: Siemens Business Services (D), Orga Systems (D), France Telecom (F), INRIA (F), TID (E), Universidad Carlos de Madrid (E), Universidad de Malaga (E), Universitat Polit. de Catal. (E), Paderborn University (D)
Contact: C-LAB