I2Home - Intuitive Interaction for Everyone with Home Appliances based on Industry Standards

The recent design and development of appliances, mobile phones and remote controls are driven by the ambition to satisfy users that are already familiar with modern technologies. This means, that many persons with disabilities or older persons are excluded from using modern technologies, at home and in public.

By using an adaptable, multi-modal and easy-to-use interface I2Home will solve this problem. Technically this will be realized by joining the ANSI INCITS 389ff. standards with common industry standards such as the CECED and the UPnP standard. An Universal Control Hub (UCH) as core component will provide and manage the communication to the various devices. By providing intelligent and adaptable interfaces the UCH will enable persons with disabilities and older persons to use modern technology.

In I2Home C-LAB will support the integration of the CECED standard based Serve@Home technology to the UCH and ensure the accessibility of the user interfaces. Thereby the C-LAB Accessibility Specialists will be active in the specification phase and will conduct project accompanying accessibility evaluations.

Project funded by: EU, IP (Integrated Project)
Project duration: 09/2006 - 08/2009
Project partners: Fundacion Instituto Gerontologico Matia-Ingema (E), Asociacion Centro de Tecnologias de Interaccion visual y comunicaciones (Vicom Tech) (E), ACCESS Technologies Group (D), Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung e.V. (D), METICUBE – Sistemas de Informacao, Comunicacao e Mulitmedia LDA (P), HJALPMEDELSINSTITUTET (S), Ceske VYsoke Uceni Technicke V Praze (CZ), Siemens AG (D), Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH (D)
Contact: Markus Dubielzig (Project Manager), C-LAB;
Dr. Jan Alexandersson (Coordinator), German Centre for Artificial Intelligence
Project website: www.i2home.org