Ser­vices - Pro­ject Sup­port, Back­ground Sup­port

In addition to the classical steps analysis, design and implementation you may reap the benefits of our background support, which can be either part of the project or an individual service. Our offer includes:

  • Mission-oriented study
  • Analysis of competition
  • Development of business segments
  • Technology watch
  • Feasibility study
  • Technical evaluation
  • Patent advice
  • Management support for Research and Development Projects (national and EU projects)
    • Proposal phase (budget planning, advice regarding contract negotiations, etc.)
    • Support during the project duration (advice for contracts, contract administration incl. amendments, technical and financial reporting, financial statements, correct entry of received funds, filing of projects, etc.)
    • Project consolidation: preparation and execution of final financial statements, support for official audits after project termination
  • Support of innovation processes within businesses
    • Trend analysis
    • Innovation benchmarking
    • Scenario and innovation workshops
    • Innovation management concepts
    • Innovation management consulting
  • Success control throughout the process (e.g. accessibility design)