Ser­vices - Im­ple­ment­a­tion

We turn concepts time- and budget-efficiently into architectures and solutions.

  • User-oriented design (design screens, UI specifications, mockups, prototyping, style guides)
  • Programming using relevant programming languages (C, C++, C#, Visual Basic, Unix Shell, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl/Tk, ECMA Script, SWING, Java (RMI, JDBC, JDO, JFC, J2ME, J2EE, OSGi, Servlets, JSP), HTML, XML, XSLT, close to hardware programming)
  • Distributed programming with CORBA (Orbix, OrbixWeb), Java EJB (Websphere, Silverstream, IPlanet) and Web Services (PerlLite, WSDL, SOAP, AXIS)
  • For diverse operating systems (Windows, Linux, Unix, OS/2, AppleOS, VMS, Symbian)
  • Using frameworks (Java Servlet API, JavaServer Pages, Jakarta Struts, Jakarta Axis, Jakarta POI, Jakarta Commons, Jakarta Lucene, Jakarta Velocity, JavaMail, Swing/JFC + AWT, JSSE, JDBC, Hibernate, JAXP / Xerces, JReport 5, JasperReports, CrystalReports 9, Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) RPC, Hibernate, LDAP, JUnit)
  • Databases (relational databases, object-relational databases, object-oriented databases, hierarchical databases)
  • Security technologies (SSL, SSH Security, OpenSSH, IPsec, VPN)
  • And applications
    • Content and application server - Apache web server, Tomcat, JBOSS
    • Graphical systems X Windows, Windows Desktop, KDE
    • Development tools Eclipse 2.x and 3.x, JBuilder 5 and 6, MS Visual Studio 6.0 and 2005, Borland DelphiReport 5.x, Sybase Powerdesigner, MS Developer Studio, Apache Ant, Apache JMeter, JBuilder, Visual Café, UML (Together J)
    • Versioning - Visual SourceSafe, ClearCase, CVS/RCS, Subversion