2003-04-01 | How to de­ve­lop suc­cess­ful and con­su­mer-ori­en­ta­ted new mo­bi­le and on­line ser­vices?

An analysis of critical factors for success, today's problems, general trends and future fields of work.

Many of today's applications are technically very sophisticated, but have no success on the market. The reason for this is quite simple, but has a deep influence on how to develop a new service.
The consumer and his needs must be regarded as the central factor of design. If an application is only technically very high-leveled, but not really offering an added value to the consumer, the usecase will have no chance to be placed on the market successfully.

This paper shows critical factors for success, which have to regarded:

  • consumer behavior in the future
  • consumer today's problems

Therefore, the development of demographic data, general future trends and future consumer behavior are presented and discussed. Based on the today's problems, in the next step future fields of work were derived.
Considering a new technology or solution to all of these aspects, helps to identify its potential as well as its critical factors for success. 

Autoren:Christine Ludwig, Dr. Heidi Hohensohn
Ausgabe:Vol. 2 (2003) No. 4

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