2009-12-11 | Pro­cess Mod­el­ing with the Ec­lipse Pro­cess Frame­work

Today's development of modern information systems is under considerable strain of coping with rapidly increasing complexity at competitive prices. Efficient and powerful development processes are essential for success. Processes have to be highly specialized in their respective domain while at the same time they must allow for flexible adaptation to project specific contexts and for continuous improvement. This report shows how processes like these can be modeled and applied efficiently by using the Eclipse Process Framework which is based on OMG standards UML and SPEM.

A general introduction of the concept is given first before it is illustrated by two concrete practical examples. Therefore, the TIMMO Methodology for automotive development resulting from the European research project "TIMMO - Timing Model" (www.timmo.org) and the company-specific system development methodology "SEM New Generation" of Siemens are presented.

The introduced method provides a cost-efficient way for complete, consistent, modular, customizable, and easily changeable definition of process models and methodologies. Furthermore, it allows for easy integration or referencing of external resources and for automatic generation of up-to-date online documentation for various target audiences.

Authors:Elke Löschner, Siemens AG, C-LAB
Release:Vol. 8 (2009) No. 06

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