
The Integrated Project (IP) EuQoS develops a flexible and secure framework for providing end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) in distributed, heterogeneous network environments. As QoS imposes specific challenges for communication networks (and end-devices), EuQoS targets to develop solutions for various access networks (e.g. WIFI, Ethernet, UMTS, …) that communicate through the GEANT Core.

The heterogeneous infrastructure that represents future pre-production networks requires the interoperability of dedicated QoS solutions concealed behind a common and well-defined interface. EuQoS will develop new state-of-the-art methodologies that consist of the following modules: Monitoring and Measurements, Admission Control, Failure Management, Signaling & Service Negotiation, Security and AAA, Charging, and Traffic Engineering & Resource Optimization.

C-LAB contributes to EuQoS by developing efficient approaches to integrate the EuQoS system into existing end-devices, end-systems and applications. The two-stage development approach will adapt a Java-based video streaming application in order to allow end-to-end QoS session set up. The second stage will integrate the EuQoS system API into the UPnP QoS architecture. Likewise, UPnP will be extended through subnet spanning communication while EuQoS benefits from well defined and standardized APIs that allow for platform- and application-independent session establishment and an easier and interoperable solution roll out. C-LAB is among the first parties that have implemented the UPnP QoS architecture. 

Furthermore, C-LAB develops Admission Control (AC) modules for Ethernet and WIFI networks that integrate seamlessly into the EuQoS architecture. In order to process the AC as accurate as possible, we further develop application dependent methodologies to estimate network traffic. The research founds on neural networks and Time Series Forecasting.

Project funded by: EU, IP
Project duration: 09/2004 - 09/2007
Project partners: TELEFONICA Investigacion Y Desarrollo SA Unipersonal (E), Consorzio Pisa Ricerche S.C.A.R.L. (I), DATAMAT S.P.A. (I), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (F), France Telecom S.A. (F), Universität Paderborn (D), Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa SP. Zo. O. (PL), Martel GmbH (CH), National ICT Australia Ltd. (AU), PointerCom S.P.A. (I), Telekomunikacja Polska (PL), Portugal Telecom Inovacao, S.A. (P), RED ZINC Limited (IE), SILOGIC S.A. (F), Soluziona Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (E), TELSCOM A. G. (CH), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (E), Universitaet Bern (CH), Centro di Ricerca in Matematica Pura ed Applicata c/o University of Rome "La Sapienza" (I), Faculdade Ciencias e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra (PT), Politechnika Warszawska - Warsaw University of Technology (PL), Ericsson Espana S.A. (E), Hospital Divino Espirito Santo (PT)
Contact: C-LAB